These testimonials were submitted by actual car accident victims and OMVIA clients. Based on your type of injuries and status of your case we can connect you to the appropriate mentor to be able to share their experiences.

D.K., Milton, Ontario

Approximately 2 years after my accident I received a letter from the insurance company informing me of various medical examinations I was to attend to determine my Catastrophic Determination. These examinations would be conducted by the insurance doctors and are extremely important in deciding the continuation of my future benefits. When I received this letter I became very nervous and anxious.

I did not know what to expect nor what they will ask me or how they will conduct the examination itself. Please see below e-mail I sent to my lawyer requesting help. Unfortunately, my lawyer wasn’t able to help me properly. A friend of mine recommended me to contact OMVIA and I take this opportunity to thank them from the bottom of my heart for helping me with this matter and explaining, coaching and preparing me for all these examinations. They even sent a former car accident victim who had great experience from their own case. In just a few hours he explained to me what will happen at those examinations and how I should present myself.

At the end, I received positive opinions on the doctor’s reports. All of this was completely free. Thank you OMVIA.

Copy of my e-mail to my lawyer:
I confirm that I will attend all the examinations.
I am very worried, anxious and nervous about this.
I really, desperately need to see you or your staff. I need lot of encouragement, coaching and clarification of the future examinations. Please try your best to schedule an appointment between us before the examinations so I can get some idea and get mentally ready (if that is possible at all) for humiliation once again by my insurance. This is scary for me and my family. I already had one heart attack, chronic pain and my mental state is far from good. I was never assessed properly by my insurance company. Please guide me through this and let me know what can be done ASAP. I am so scared, lost and I need guidance. I hope that I will get sleep over the weekend. Thank you.

T.G., Brampton, Ontario


It’s T.G., Axxxx’s dad. Just letting you know that you were a big help for our son and for us, with excellent information……You helped us realize things that we didn’t know…..We will keep in touch with you to ask questions if that’s ok with you……have a great evening and ttyl….T.G.

Bojan Babic, Mississauga, Ontario

After my accident I become paraplegic. I was in the hospital, scared about what to do next. I heard about OMVIA while I was at the hospital. I was paralyzed waist down, my life was changing. I was working 2 jobs before accident, was completely independent.

After the accident I didn’t know what to expect from my injuries and for my future. OMVIA introduced me to a man who was paraplegic and he guided me with his experience. First of all, this helped me a lot to overcome my frustration and emotional issues. And later he coached me how to fight for my recovery and benefits in my case.

That was support I will never forget. He saved my life.

V.K., Richmond Hill, Ontario

Thank you OMVIA!

Thank you very much for all your help that your staff  has provided me with, which I value greatly. Without you, I don’t know what could have been done for me when I was suffering on the hospital bed at the hospital. Today, I’m a new man and I’m reborn, but I know that the biggest hand and landing ground and the original source of all of it was all of you guys from OMVIA.

I have become a fan of you more so than for any other human beings on this planet. I value life a lot and I value it so much that I am prepared to help and guide those who have been in similar brain injury situations such as mine. I know that I have come a long way, but cognitively I have suffered a lot and I need to maintain a good and proper balance with my life’s daily activities. I wish you well and I wish you all the warmest and all the God Blesses you deserve! If by any way, or if in any other circumstances, I may help you or be of assistance to you, please ask me my most esteemed benefactor. You remain close to my soul, mind and spirit in a way which is above and beyond the heavens above: you’re always my good and greatest people who’s saved me from a possible everlasting downside of my life and I’m extremely and very tremendously grateful to you for what you’ve done even before my recovery began its course.

You’re my most prestigious award winning people who brought new meanings and fresher positive inspiration to my new life. God bless you! God bless you always and in every way! I remain your very esteemed client, friend and well wisher.

Stanko Bruneta, London, Ontario

I am writing this on behalf of my husband who was injured in a severe car accident in August 2011 in Etobicoke. He was the passenger in a car which was travelling at high speed. The car lost control and hit a pole. He was admitted into St. Michael’s Hospital in Toronto and 2 months later transferred to Victoria Hospital in London, Ontario.

He suffered a severe brain injury, lost his right arm, and more than a dozen other internal injuries. Approximately 4 months after his accident the hospital requested that I sign consent for them to disconnect his life support. I was so overwhelmed, I did not know what to do. I turned to OMVIA in order to talk to someone about what other people were doing in similar situations. After speaking with their mentors, I heard several similar stories and I made a decision to refuse disconnecting the life support. A few weeks later my husband woke up from his coma and his recovery process started.

OMVIA helped me not only at that moment but also during other occasions throughout my husbands’ recovery, rehabilitation and our fight against the insurance company. OMVIA thank you for saving my husbands life. We will never forget what you did for us.

Colin Veley, Whitby, Ontario

I am greatly honoured to write this review about OMVIA. Three years ago I was hospitalized after my second car accident, only six months apart from each other. In the first accident I lost the use of my left arm.

After the second accident I became paralyzed from the waist down. While I was at Lyndhurst Rehab Center I was all alone, scared and depressed. One of the patients told me to contact OMVIA and that was one of the best decisions I made in my life. At that time, I couldn’t trust lawyers or insurance companies. But when OMVIA sent this man who was in a car accident before, I actually ended up meeting someone honest and someone I can really trust. My family was far away but somebody from OMVIA on the weekends which was very helpful to me at that time. Thank you OMVIA.

When I was discharged from rehab they kept visiting me at my rented apartment in Toronto. Even though I was paralyzed, that wasn’t enough for the insurance companies. They kept fighting to reduce my benefits. But people from OMVIA who already went through this process helped with me advise and support. This helped me to successfully settle both of my cases. My lawyer did a good job but I can say that the OMVIA guys were the ones who helped me the most.

OMVIA asked me to become their mentor and I would be more than happy to help other people as a part of their organization.

B.S., Scarborough, Ontario


It is with great appreciation that I write this letter to you.  Thank you for thinking of me and arranging a meeting with one of your mentors. He was a real gentleman, and was patient in explaining to us where we stand in relation to the situation.

Obviously having gone through exactly what I am currently struggling with, he was most helpful and his advice was well taken by us.  How he related to us, with the stories of his “trek”, really hit home.  He made us realize, amongst many interesting things, that the path I am on is not unique, but has been travelled many times before.  He literally opened our eyes.  After he left, I said, “Next month I will be 68, he made me feel so naive, I feel like a ten year old!”  I was looking at a tree, and did not see the forest.

The mentor said that if we wish to “pick his brain” at some point in the future to clear it with you first.  I sincerely hope that you have no objection.